Data Storage
Student data will be stored on a database in accordance with Jesus College’s Data Protection Policy, which can be found here: Governance, Policies and Procedures – Jesus College
Safeguarding of children’s personal data
Jesus College complies with the Age Appropriate Design Code for the safeguarding of children’s personal data when using online services. Full information about this can be found in the ‘Code of Practise on Children and Vulnerable Adults’ section here: Governance, Policies and Procedures – Jesus College
Data Sharing
Jesus College may need to share your information with University of Oxford colleges or departments in order to assess applications and to plan, deliver, promote and evaluate the programme. Any shared data will be stored securely by the receiver and in line with appropriate data protection legislation.
The University of Oxford uses the Higher Education Access Tracker (HEAT) service and database to record information about its outreach activities and the students who take part in these activities. HEAT helps us identify which activities are most helpful in preparing students for higher education and progressing to employment. Jesus College may use your data to record activities related to this programme in accordance with the University's HEAT Privacy Notice, which can be found here.
Your Rights
Under the Data Protection Act 2018 you have the right to a copy of the data held about you by us. If you have any concerns about the use of data for these purposes or would like a copy of the data you have supplied directly to us, requests should be made in writing on: