What is a Target Market Determination?

A Target Market Determination (TMD) describes who the product may be suitable for, based on likely needs, objectives, and financial situation.

It also sets out who can distribute our products, how they can do this, and situations when we may need to review our products and the target market.

A Target Market Determination does not replace disclosure documents. You should continue to refer to the relevant disclosure documents before deciding whether or not to acquire a product.

Why do we have Target Market Determinations?

The Treasury Laws Amendment (Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers) Act 2019 requires us to have Target Market Determinations to ensure that we’re ‘getting it right for customers’ – putting you at the centre of how we design and distribute our products.

Target Market Determinations

You can view and download our Target Market Determination documents below.

Personal banking

Business banking

Investment banking

Corporate and Institutional

If you require a copy of a historical TMD or one that has ceased to apply, please contact your Relationship manager within NAB. If you are unsure of your Relationship manager, please call NAB on 13 22 65

Information for Distributors

Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO)