SEN inclusion funding

Disability access fund

The Disability Access Fund (DAF) offers funding to early years providers to support children in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and eligible to receive a funded place.

The funding is paid as a lump sum annually to remove barriers which may prevent children from accessing their funded early education entitlement.

Families must provide a copy of their DLA award letter to prove eligibility to their nominated provider. The award letter must show the period DLA will be received and cover the claim period.

To claim the funding, the provider should send via secure email a copy of the parent / carer claim form Part 2 and 3 and full copy of the award letter document to the Early Years Finance team at for checking.  Once eligibility is confirmed, the first payment will be released approximately 6 weeks later.

Future payments will be paid automatically unless a new claim form is received nominating a new provider or the funding claim ceases.  

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