Get ready for a day packed with captivating talks, interactive workshops, and engaging discussions with fellow wildlife enthusiasts. The conference aims to foster knowledge sharing, inspire action, and promote collaboration among like-minded individuals.
Programme details will be shared soon. We look forward to seeing you there!
This includes lunch and refreshments. Booking is required, and the final date for bookings is Monday 17th March.
- Ivan Wright - ‘Shotover: the bees have spoken’.
Speed Updates:
- Sue Martin Downhill, Trust for Oxfordshire's Environment (TOE) - "Local Community Grants"
- Jack Wheeler, Oxfordshire County Council - "Road Verge Nature Reserves"
- Marcus Simmons, CAG Oxfordshire Nature Project - "Growing community engagement in species recording across a parish-cluster area"
- David Guyoncourt, Abingdon Naturalist Society - "Barton Fields Wildlife Site"
- Duncan Fisher, Wokingham Borough Council - "Wokingham Sites to survey"
- Lesley Dunlop, Oxfordshire Geology Trust - "Local Geological Sites"
- Katie Jenks, Wild Tilehurst - "About Wild Tilehurst and updates"
- Harriet Jordan, Banbury CAG - "Wild Banbury Volunteers"
- Ian Cave, Enstone Eco
- Wild Oxfordshire - " Wild Kidlington Project
- Ruby Leys, TVERC micro intern student - "Bat species distribution & population trends across Oxfordshire & Berkshire from 1970 to 2024"
- Jessie D'Urso, TVERC micro intern student - "The Third Battle of Newbury Bypass: Assessing Changing Bat Distributions as a Result of Disruptive Road Construction"
There will be a range of display stands from different recording and conservation groups which you can visit during refreshment and lunch breaks. Please indicate on your booking form if you would like to bring a display and/or leaflets.
Many thanks to the WISH Partnership for funding to broaden community involvement in wildlife monitoring and encouraging the sharing of data for monitoring and responsible decision making.